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TheLastStarFighter said:
DanneSandin said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I'm no fan of GameSpot, but I feel compelled to share this story: "What We'd Like to See in the Next Legend of Zelda."

I kinda found that article somewhat pretentious... Like a journalists whom secretly longs to become an auther... The article itself hardly speaks of what gamespot/the author would like to see in the next Zeda game. Only in the last paragraph or so does he/she dwell on it, but doesn't make a real atempt to explain his/hers thoughts...

overall a pretty badly written article.

Agreed, an attempt at high writing, but not much content.  I agree somewhat with the sentiment, that the series needs to be stripped down of conventions.  Just keep a magical world, exploration, a quest, items to collect, a sword to swing and great graphics and sound.

Yes, I can also somwehat agree with the sentiment that stripping down Zelda could be a good agree. But they can't simply abandon alot of the conventional stuff either; then they'd just be better off creating a new IP. Zertain things NEED to be in a Zelda game.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.