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To the original poster. I respect your enthusiasm, but your statements are unfounded. First I would wait for these games to be released before I say what they are or they are not. Let us not confuse hopes with facts. Your five million unit estimate isn't supported by any realistic presentation.

Important facts to consider.

Gears of War sales 5.06m
Resistance sales 2.46m
Gears of War attach rate 29%
Resistance attach rate 23%
Gears last weeks NA sales 7,183
Resistance last weeks NA sales 4,322
Gears of War meta rating 94
Resistance meta rating 86

Gears historically has done much better then Resistance. With higher total sales, higher attach rate, higher critical acclaim, and greater longevity. The title should easily match its predecessor. While Resistance might match its predecessor it will be hard pressed to double its sales. The constrictive market size, and the lower attach rate for the console will not help in this goal. Neither will the fact that Resistance did these kind of sale thanks in large part to being a launch title. Thus having a small library to compete with, and not having much of a library in the first year.

I actually think the question is whether Resistance 2 will sell three million copies this year, and can gears sell seven or eight million copies. One will most definitely kick the buzz in high gear. While early adopters of the PS3 may be stoked about Resistance the reality is that it isn't actually Buzz worthy. No more so then say other library launch titles such as Red Steel, or Raving Rabids.

When you step back you see a real light weight versus heavy weight situation. Resistance 2 probably will not do badly it use launch to build a fan base. However against Gears it will be flattened. The real question is can Gears 2 actually make it to five million copies on its first day. Knowing Microsoft they will stoke the add machine to magnificent effect.