TheLastStarFighter said:
TheLastStarFighter said: Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last. |
So? 3DS is doing a lot better than the Wii U. Who the heck makes excuses for a game company. Oh wait this guy.
Hardly. I don't even like the game. I'm explaining why the release schedule makes sense. You're just unable to grasp it.
Wii u is not making profit and 3DS is. Now tell me which one matters more at this point? Excatly.
3DS matters more, like u said its the one making profit meaning its Nintendo's money maker. 3DS sales are decreasing meaning Nintendo isnt making as much money off it. It needs a really big title to help keep sales from dropping further and to try offsetting Wii U losses.