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I already made the mistake of owning a Wii U

I am actually happy with my decision in that I got to play a few stellar games like Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World, but at the same time I can't help but think maybe I shouldn't have supported Wii U at all so that Nintendo can get off this retarded streak they are on making crap hardare and OS on which they put their games instead of putting their games on better hardware being provided by their competitors.

The Wii U OS, the fact it lacks party chat, how slow and unstable it launched, how slow it still is. The fact that they force use of Gamepad in games that would play better without (Pikmin 3). Basically I can't help but hate the actuall Wii U hardare/gamepad/OS, while I still really enjoy the Nintendo games that aren't screwed up because of Wii U.