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I think Gears will sell more because of both the installed base of the 360 and the demographic that makes up the core of that install base.

I think both will be great games but I will prefer Resistance because I prefer large scale battlefields to corridor shooters.

Essentially, sales = popularity, so that would favor Gears. Unless you're talking about ratings from critics, in which case the games could be rather evenly matched, with Gears likely taking a lead because big name PS3 exclusives still seem to take a hit from reviewers just for being on the PS3 (Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted come to mind - they both got respectable ratings that averaged a bit lower than they should have - reminds me of the editor who received flak (from others on the staff of the same magazine) for giving Uncharted a 10 - "You can't give a 10 to a PS3 game! You just don't understand the quality of the 360 because you're the PS3 editor!").

I'll buy both games day one, possibly even buying the CE for Gears (I have it for the first game) and I'll enjoy both thoroughly.

Fanboys on either side will claim one sucks while the other is amazing and I'll sit back and laugh at all of them.