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flagstaad said:
VitroBahllee said:

Yeah I actually had a Wii - there were NOT very many core experiences. People were advocating buying every piece of crap game a company put out that wasn't minigames to 'show your support' so that Wii would finally 'get the same titles as PS3/360' and it never happened. I 'actually have' a Wii U too, and it's a CESSPOOL. Even trashy minigame compilation support by third parties is NON EXISTANT.

Why should I start spending hundreds of dollars on subpar crap to goad companies into making half-a**ed ports when I know it won't even work?

Did you have a lot of fun on the Wii playing 'Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop' or 'Dead Space: Railstraction' or 'House of the Dead: Overloaded GPU/Ridiculous Amount of Swearing?'

Actually i did had a lot of fun with both Dead Space: Extraction and House of the Dead: Overkil. But you have to remember that we got also good support with exclusive titles that were considered "too risky" for the HD twins, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Fragile Dreams, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Monster Hunter Tri, Boom Blox: Bash Party, Epic Mickey, Little King's Story and so on. We may not get "the same titles as PS3/360" but there were some nice games and some third parties made an effort, maybe not a great effort, but the support was there, specially if you take into account the power differences with the other consoles.

I totally agree that we got a ton of great games on the Wii - I had most of the games you mention and many more. But trying to force companies to make games they weren't willing to make by 'showing our support' by buying them didn't work. I LOVED the 'House of the Dead 2 & 3 Reborn,' I didn't enjoy Overkill as much because it was so glitchy. The two Resident Evil: Chronicles games ruled too!