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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
Don't know, but they're going to need more this year than they showed up with last time around. Last year all they really did was ride the X1 DRM hate train straight to the bank. They really didn't have much on stage in terms of exclusive content. The bulk of their PS4 show consisted of AC4, Watch Dogs, FFXV, Destiny, and of course that KH3 snippet. Multiplats all around.

I expect to see much better this year

^This. Sony needs to bring their A game this year, because it sounds like Microsoft is going to bring their's. Nintendo needs to as well. 

blah, this is said every year and every year we're disappointed.  look back and MS's last years conference (almost) a year later:

nothing new on sunset overdrive.
nothing new on quantum break.
nothing new on below.
Black tusk studio's game got canceled when the gears IP was bought.
nothing new on halo.

minecraft is still waiting on a release date.
D4 is still waiting on a release date.
the witcher 3 was delayed to 2015

killer instinct has released aproximently 1/2 of it's game as we wait for the rest to be slowly doled out.

ryse released.
forza motorsport 5 released.
project spark is out (as a beta as least)
crimson dragon released.
dead rising 3 released.
metal gear sold V: phatom pain released
titanfall released
battlefield 4 released


summary: 17 games announced of which only 8.5 actually released within the year.

i'm not claiming sony has done any better.  i'm just saying these E3 conferences are typically very disappointing compared to what MSony would like you to believe.