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It's actually insanely hard towards the end, and has that Gradius or R-Type effect where you get a bunch of power-ups, die, and start over from scratch where you're totally screwed. I've only mastered it because I played it forever, but I still had to use the invincibility cheat to get those good screenshots of the final boss. The rest of them I took by hitting the screensave button over and over while actually playing.

The first level's really amazing because you actually fly through the mouth and there are teeth all over the ceiling and floor that are trying to bite you and you fly over a gigantic awesome disgusting tongue.

And concerning the tunes, I just loaded it up for a refresher, and the tunes are definitely adequate for nice space blasting.

If you haven't noticed from those screens, the game is ALL ABOUT EYEBALLS. The first enemies were... flying eyeballs... an eyeball that rolls around on the ground and shoots you... flying skulls with exposed brain and maybe brain stems still attached.... AND PTERODACTYLS. Man this game's rad.