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Ryudo said:

For anyone who thinks this can run on PS3/360. MK8 to even run on PC would have to be developed with a 64bit OS in mind and PC games a good lot of them still develop under 32 bit.

Oh and guess what Mario kart has had 3 arcade games and the 2013 version is not running on triforce but a baord stronger than PS3/360 and this is the result

So even that 360 and PS3 would need a downgrade.

MK8 is both technically impressive and artistically. The game is the best looking console game to date. period.

You are forgetting how optimized the PS3 and 360 are vs the WiiU. The PS3 and 360 can run games like Halo 4 and TLOU on 500MB of ram, the minimum spec requirement for COD on PC is 6GB :P Comparing the performance of the last gen and next gen consoles is a tad silly right now, since the difference in their optimization makes their power difference a lot smaller. Hence games tend to improve so much during a gen.

If the PS3 can run GT6 at 1440x1080/55-60fps, then it could easily run MK8 at 1280x720/30fps. I agree the PS3 and 360 couldn't achieve the full 60fps the WiiU is pulling off, but the game itself is nothing special.

As i said to someone else, MK8 is essentially a 7th gen game running at 8th gen performance lvels. It's still a beautiful looking game, but that's thanks to Nintendo's artistic skill, not any kind of technical achievement.

The WiiU will have much better demonstrations of it's power in the future, but MK8 is not one of them.