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Tavin said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
kazadoom said:
That would mean that I believe that men wrote the Bible and I do not. I believe that God wrote it through men, therefore I believe everything in it to be 100% accurate.

 @ kazadoom you are a clown. The Bible is nonsense. I believe the bible is 100% BS. If we all shared your views we would all be still living in the Middle Ages.

So kazadoom in your opinion is technology work of the devil?

 I'm sorry but what does the fact of the bible being true has to do with technology ... i think you are getting a little out of line there ... You can believe on the bible and accept or use technology and you wouldn't be contradicting yourself 

 He's referring to the millennium or so where the Church suppressed science and was holding all of western civilization back.  You should see what constituted "medicine" back then.  It's really hilarious.