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Someone earlier mentioned how people avoid the Wii U because of the perception of non-longevity for the system... as in, a system with only a handful of games a year can't possibly be worth the investment over the long run. But let me ask you this: how many people are already tired of Titanfall? Or Infamous? Games like Wonderful 101, SM3DW, Pikmin 3, Wii Sports Club, even Donkey Kong all encourage long-term use. I have at least 10 games, and I'm nowhere near being finished.

Mario Kart is a series defined by longevity and fun for all ages. It's the ultimate party game. People WILL buy it. Wii U will outsell Xbone by a large margin this year thanks to its late May boost (and ultimately, I believe that all three games they've put out/are putting out, including SM3DW, Donkey Kong, and Mario Kart, are ALL FINISHED and have been finished long, long before their release dates to allow for a barrage of titles at the end of this year) and then all our announced 2014 games roll out in consecutive months. It's finally a genius move.