Rogerioandrade said: So, yeah... they really should review their production process and costs, the frequency of certain franchises launches. Maybe a 2-3 year cycle would be better for any big franchise, and in the meantime they could work on a new, different game, making room for players to try new things |
I'm afraid they won't do it. Sometimes, an estabilished franchise flops. But new IPs are way more prone to bad results. CoD: Ghosts is substantially down, but still managed 10M+ easily. Disapoint sales in Arkham Origins still are close to 4M. When a new IP bombs, it bombs really bad, like Remember Me (wich is an awesome game).
Looking at the movie industry, that saw a similar rise in budgets since the 80s, it's easy too see where it will go. The largest franchises will get the big budgets (like the X-Men, Avengers or Avatars in films) while the most experimental games will have to deal with lower budgets and trust in getting good critical reception.