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Are western developers too ambitious? They release three to five entries of the same game franchise within a single generation. I think this causes brand fatigue and compromises on quality. When japanese devs try this, the results are terrible (Final Fantasy XIII, Lost Planet).

Nintendo usually releases one entry for its key franchises on each home console. Lots of content, very stable, very polished and lasts for a few years. Could western studios adopt this concept in a sustainable way?

Take DICE. Personally I was very happy with Bad Company 2 and didnt even flinch when Battllefield 3 released. Skipped it entirely, B4 somes out (relatively soon) and the rest is history. I foolishly fell into the next gen/levolution hype (P.S. I havent seen a single building collapse >_>). The game is good, but it needed more time. The brand has been hurt and Battlefield 5 will be a tough sell when it emerges.

Now imagine if a dev like Bioware only released Mass Effect 1 last generation, supporting it with DLC and free updates. Imagine if Mass Effect 2 was an XBox One launch title with 8th gen visuals, multiplayer and 3 to 4 times the content of ME2 right out of the box because of a much longer development cycle. Apply this to any franchise you feel is being milked to death?

Apply the same logic to Gears of War, 4 games for a new IP in one gen. Uncharded 3 or better yet the Last of Us being held back as 8th gen launch juggernauts.

Would this be profitable? Would you welcome this? How do you feel about these frequent releases? Imagine a new Mario Kart/Zelda/ every 2 to 3 years? Would they hold up, would they be as prized and covetted? I think not.

I feel the inevitable Fallout 4 will blow peoples minds because its been forever since we saw 3. Elder Scrolls VI is probably a few years away but I feel it'll have a similar effect.

Opinions? If not one game per gen, what's the acceptable padding, 3 years? 4?

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine