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I don't buy it, tbh, the demo was devoid of a LOT of information, and very very specifically, they do not at ANY point say "GPU", then he later goes on to say "Even if we had multiple high end machines and these things were talking, they couldn't do the kind of..." So what you're saying there is, its not possible even if there's multiple machines doing the computation?, like.. you know.. a cloud of computers?

Again however, the key point for me is how they actively sidestep at every given point the use of "CPU" or "GPU", if they were running the physics on CPU then the framerate would indeed be very stable until physics started to kick it up a notch.

Having had a lot of time messing with the libraries in the latest sdks for utilizing azure beyond data storage and on to processing, I do not buy this example, not a single bit.

All signs point to the left frame being ran on CPU and the right on GPU.