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tuoyo said:
rocketpig said:
Paul said:
@ kenzomatic

I don't find that offensive at all. I find the fact that kazadoom thinks the bible is the litteral truth is offensive to my sanity.

I have no problem with people who believe whatever they like. It's their right. What I do have a problem with is people pushing faith-based belief on others and presenting it as fact when all scientific evidence bitterly disagrees with the idea.

Ah but if you experience something very good won't you want to share that with others.  And if you know that since you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you have received many blessings won't you want others to receive him so they can receive their blessings.  And If you know Jesus is the way to heaven won't you want to bring others to Jesus so they can get to heaven.  And the bible commands it of us.

 I have no problem with people choosing to take it upon themselves to preach their faith.  That is certainly their right, as long as they leave me alone if I request it of them.  I have a problem, however, with people choosing to get around parents by preaching directly to their children when the parents are not around and attempting to push their beliefs into schools.

So, by all means preach your faith within the bounds of proper common discourse, without taking it to the point of harassment, but do not use government agencies to do it for you.  So, when people of a religion come up with their own idea of how the earth was created but not a single shred of their evidence stands up to peer review then you need to keep that belief where it belongs, in the church, not in schools.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.