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Cryoakira said: Well, I'm not backing the figures Monty gives, but there's one thing I'll agree with : there are a LOT of assumptions here. NPD does not have the Walmart (and Toys'r us i think) figures, so they assume the numbers of units sold. NPD does not always give the Canada/Mexico figures, but VG assumes its around 10% of USA sales. Then, base on this, VG assume that european/rest of the world sales are around 45% of the NA sales...
These aren't "my" figures. NPD says 5.1 million for the US... I didn't make that up myself. If you're figuring 10% for NA, then there should be another 500k added to that. That brings NA to 5.6+ million by the end of 2006. vgcharts says 5.2 million. The only things I am saying is that I think Canada and Mexico account for more than 10%, but even taking your figure puts it above vgcharts by nearly half a million for one region alone.