crissindahouse said:
But if someone who is an Xbox One fan says that the video looks much better as PS4 he also says that it looks much better as on Xbox One. Not sure which tactic that is to downplay your own console just to downplay the other console. That it is PS4 and not PC material is good for fans of Xbox One and also Wii U because the gap between the consoles is the same as before so that an in their opinion better looking PS4 game as expected will probably mean the same for the Xbox One version. |
I've got a PC more powerful that both consoles combined (in terms of TFlops). my only intention was pointing out that the footage did not look much better than previous videos. thats all.and it finally turned out to be ps4 footage. So its not PC footage.
For pc, i expect close to e3 2012 reveal graphics and not this. Im not interested in fighting, just pointing out what i noticed. he thought it was actually PC and claimed it looked much better. and to me, it didn't look much better.