ethomaz said:
I watched it and it was exactly what was showed on PS4... maybe some enhencments but it is hard to tell because they focused the camera on the tech effects instead to make a free run/gameplay like the PS4 video. So anybody that said it was better than PS4 video was saying just to troll the console because it was the same quality... that was my confusion before knows it was the PS4 version. This video had PS4 quality like the E3 2013 video and all others videos shared for now. No PS4 video was close to the E3 2012 video... this one was running in high-end PCs but I'm not sure if the final game even on PC will reach that graphical quality. |
Except for the fact that E3 2013 Watch Dogs trailers look SIGNIFICANTLY better than the last 2 trailers they put out...
Fuck this im out. This fucking forum is just a god damn never ending console war. Insread of being like well damn this looks great for an open world title and much better than last gen instead we get OMG TEH PC FANBOIZ R TEH WRONG! SONYZ IS SOOO AWESONE AND XBOX FANBOIS ARE PATHETIC
It destroys any and all discussion. Its one thing to call out people who said PS4 would melt doing this or that PS4 sucks compared to PC but your not trying to do that.
Either way fuck it. Im over this non stop comparing and fighting over everything. Theres so little mature gaming discussion on this forum its rediculous.