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trixiemafia86 said:
BenVTrigger said:

 I disagree the game clearly look better here than some of the other recent trailers. Im not sure how anyone could argue otherwise.

I think the main reason thougj was due to not everything being quick cuts of action but actually focusing on showing the world off. For an open world title Id say it looks pretty damn impressive 

you are missing the point here. the claim was "MUCH BETTER" and its not "much" better. I'd have been disappointed if this was all the PC could do after the E3 2012 reveal ran on PC remember. Now THAT looked "Much better".

Visuals are subjective many tines and I stand by what I said. I think this footage looks MUUUUUUCH betrer than the recent footage. Theres a part in one of the trailers where the npcs and cars look no joke like ps2 models.

Again this is all good news for PS4 owners. Theres no bad news here for anyone. And I think Im well aware of just how good PC can look and again I never claimed this game had the best graphics ever. Hell Far Cry 3 maxed at 4k with 8x MSAA utterly destroys this.