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the2real4mafol said:
Kasz216 said:


1. If UK won't let Scotland go, why are wasting all this time to this stupid referendum then? If there's anything to support your claim, mainstream media are very against it for some reason but that's it really. As an englishmen I support whatever they vote for since it will make no difference to me.

And if we are supposed to not let Scotland go, then we should treat it better. Spread the wealth away from London.

2. It probably was annexation (but disguised as something else) but surely the popular vote must have some weight to it. And I say the US are hypocrites because they may not annex territories but they still don't respect other countries sovereignty. They invaded two countries on a deliberate lie, 9/11 was certaintly a good excuse to invade Iraq and Afghanistan but that don't mean it was right to do so. Just because Russia made it clear Crimea is now theirs, doesn't mean America doesn't do the same. Just because the US isn't annexing territories, it doesn't mean the US doesn't interefere in other countries affairs. Just look up how many coups the CIA has been involved since the 1950's and then you'll realise why the world is so fucked up. 

Kerry can say about international law all he likes, but the US and Israel get away with much unnoticed. The UN is just geninuely useless.

3. Now that's something I wasn't really aware of. I think I saw something about this on Al Jazeera but it wasn't really made a big deal of. I don't support any ethnic cleansing but to be honest we are not going to fight over these people and it's not our fight either. So I don't know what to say. From a realist point of view, it's not our fight anyway. 

1.  Because the refferendum will lose.   Hence why Cameron's original response was basiallly "Lets hol it tommorrow" and the SNP pushed it off.

It's just a political move to embaress the SNP.


2.  Except it wasn't even disguised as anything.


3.   Only like ~100,000 people died...  Which is a small number compaired to the general pile of bodies generated by stalin's soviet Russia.

still I'm not sure if losing between 30-50% of an enthic population due to ethnic cleansing counts as "not a big" deal.

Just because something isn't your fight doesn't mean you have to support it, or want people to support it.


That said, ethnic cleansing sort of is our buisness international law wise.  Even though rarely anything is done about it... and i'd think it's fair to argue that more then a majority vote should be needed for a group of people who suffered such penalties to be forced back into the nation that committed those acts on them.  Espiecially when they themselves are overwhelmingly against it, and a large portion of those who inflicted it opon them just so happen to ethnically be the poeple who inflicted it opon them.


The only thing that makes this "not our buisness" so to speak, is that Russia is fairly powerful.  That's a fine arguement to make, it's logical, but it should be made honestly.  It's not a matter of the US and UK "not bein a hypocrite because of iraq", or "Democratic majority."

It's just cowardice and being selfish.

Which is fine, I wouldn't start a war with Russia either.

That said, I'm not going to pretend to give false morality for the "brave" decision to basically ignore the whoe thing... or even worse, dump on the guy for basically ignoring the situation but at least mentioning so displeasure about the situation.

Where i'm from you blame people for hypocritical bad acts, and cheer them for hypocritical good ones.

The Modern era of no major wars basically boils politics to a game of "who got there first".