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jlmurph2 said:
DerNebel said:
jlmurph2 said:
Oh, don't make this thread now, you'll just have people saying Titanfall had 5 days and Infamous had 2 (Even though Titanfall was released on Thursday and Friday in everywhere but US).

But you can surely make the thread again if Infamous 1st + 2nd week (9 days) doesn't end up selling as much as Titanfall's 1st week (2-5 days). Which is looking very likely from UK's numbers.

If you include PC numbers for Titanfall, then sure, but if you mean X1 version only then there is a possibility for Infamous to have outsold Titanfalls first week in 2 weeks and to also have a higher second week then Titanfall (X1). Infamous dropped 67% in its second week in the UK, if we extrapolate that to Europe, NA and the rest of the world then we get a second week of just short of 230k. Of course the overall drop won't be exactly the same as in the UK but with Titanfall the worldwide drop was comparable in percentage to the UKs drop.

Also I don't know why you keep repeating that the game was only in NA released on tuesday, Titanfall got 70% of its sales up till now from NA so it's important to mention that it was available for 5 days in its first week there.

I was simply making a prediction that is looking likely to happen from looking at UK ISS sales considering their drops compared to the world are slightly lower.

I keep repeating it because when someone mentions something good about US, there's always someone to say "Yet again americans only thinking about US sales". So now people are ONLY referring to the US when regarding Titanfall release date? That's a little bit of hipocrisy

Thanks for the laugh. This is not hypocricy by any means. And I mean ANY means. I know that folks here love to throw this word around to insult others, but it's misused.

Hypocricy would be for Titanfall to outsell Infamous everywhere by a lot and then people say, "but  Infamous beat Titanfall in America and that's the biggest market". That is not the case here. Here we have different number of days of availability. Not saying that America matters more than anything else. It's just an invalid comparison.