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Man I was playing some Hardpoint on Nexus earlier today and a Gen 10 was on my team. I know that just like any other modern shooter, rank and everything typically means you have simply played longer. You aren't guaranteed to be any better than a Gen 1 level 23 guy. So the round starts and I use my stim ability to run towards an objective and this Gen 10 guy jumps onto a wall they put at the spawn, wall runs up it, double jumps across a gap to another short wall on the other side of the street, lands on it and wall jumps up it, flies off of it and is now jumping up the street at a pace about 3 times as fast as I was going stimmed. Made me realize what a huge skill gap the game can have simply in movement. LOL @ "CoD with mechs".

And then the game plays on and you see the guy might move incredibly well, but his gunplay is pretty average so he's really not a great player or anything. This game is really more of a Halo than a CoD when it comes to the mechanics. There is so much potential to just completely embarrass someone with movement and simple tactics that never exists in CoD.

About to hit Gen 5 and the dreaded Gooser challenge. I gotta say the most frustrating one so far for me is the Autopistol. Thing sucks.