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Kasz216 said:

2 weeks?   More like 54+ weeks

Outside which... I'm pretty sure spying and sabotaging your own government would be a crime that would have a statute of limitations greater then 3 years.

A year, I think is long enough time to clear out a day to arrest someone for sabatoging your governments intellegence agency.

Meanwhile, Yanukovich hs been president for 4 years.

So the question remains.

So 4 years, 3 SBU chiefs... and there isn't any sign of it, or complaint until after they get removed from power?

Yes, you're right. I was quoting from memory. Confused one year with another probably.

Why he didn't arrest him I have no idea. But charges have been filed against Nalivaychenko in, afair, September 2013 by General Prosecutor (what part Yakimenko played in all this I don't know), among other things there were alleged connections with CIA, as you might expect the case was closed after coup d'etat. So that's not the first time I hear about Nalivaychenko and CIA.