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Sony’s E3 Press Conference Will Be a “Tight Fit,” Will Have a Decent Mix of Genres According to Sony Dev

by Giuseppe Nelva (2 hours ago) 49 

Sony’s E3 press conference is still well shrouded in mystery, but today NeoGAF user DemonNite, who is known to be a developer at Sony, mentioned that there’s a lot to look forward to while talking about the possibility of seeing Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV on stage:

At this rate, if they do it will be a tight fit so hard to say.

He also added that while he can’t rule out shooters like Destiny, Planetside 2, Call of Duty orBattlefield, there should be a healthy mix of genres showcased.

Can’t rule out any of those titles but there should be a decent mix of other genres.

Considering that both Microsoft and Sony have been dropping hints that lead us to believe that we’ll be overwhelmed by a tidal wave of reveals, it’s hard not to be excited for both press conferences.

As usual we can expect pages upon pages of discussion on who “won E3,” but if the rumors are any indication of what we can expect, I can already answer that question: gamers.

