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ArnoldRimmer said:
Kasz216 said:

They said nothing of the sort.  Don't drift off into Alex Jones territory now.

Eh... Who the hell is Alex Jones?

Kasz216 said:

The reason nobody made a big deal about the Nuland conversations except "Fuck the EU" is because that was the only actual thing in it that was anything news worthy.

Maybe not where you live, but in my country, a lot of people do consider it a big deal. Reading articles on the topic on websites of prominent national mass media was quite bizarre in that respect. While most media over here concentrated solely on the silly and irrelevant "Fuck the EU" phrase, it was extraordinary just how many reader comments below the articles found the 5 billion dollars and the fact that the US apparently tries to decice who should be ukrainian president much more disturbing.

But that's a generally interesting phenomenon over here btw: There are extremely many people complaining about the current national mass media coverage of the crimea crisis. I've never seen anything like it, so many people feel that the national mass media currently do a very bad job at objectively informing about the topic. Many people currently actually feel better informed by "Russia Today", which is almost funny since most people are perfectly aware that it's pretty much "russian state television" and there is still significant russia-phobia in german society ("Der Russe steht vor der Tür!"). There are already petitions for a german language version of "Russia today"...

Kasz216 said:

There is nothing in the Nuland converseation that suggests the US had anything do with anything that happened in the Ukraine.

Even if that were true, there was also nothing in the Nuland conversation that suggests the US had nothing do with it either. As I said, while the "5 billion" and "no Klitschko please" comments are no of course no clear proof of anything, many people made up their own opinion about it. Especially since there are other articles etc. that fit well into the picture.

There's also no proof that this phone conversation (like the other recent ones with Timoschenko etc.) etc. was wiretapped and leaked by some russian intelligence service. And yet, people over here are convinced that they are responsible, even though they will probably never openly admit to it.

Kasz216 said:

and i'm guessing th Etc. is the faked Klitcshko emails.  Where a government employee emails Klitchsko with the eastern europeon equilvent of AOL.  As opposed to a government account, or even a CIA account.  Because clearly people conduct political intrigue over private email servers that can be monitored eaisly by the private companies at their own discretion... and leaving a trail for as long as they want to store the emails.

What Klitschko emails are you referring to? I cannot remember having read about that, can you give me a link?

Kasz216 said:

Your bias is making you miss some pretty obvious stuff... it's fun to think the worst of the US and that it's behind EVERYTHING, but really... seriously?

There is nothing in my posting that suggests I consider the worst of the US and that it's behind EVERYTHING.

Kasz216 said:

There is enough to complain about that to latch on to some silly stuff like your trying to draw connectiongs between the rothcilds and the illuminati controlling everything.


You don't believe that right?  The Rothchild consiracy theory stuff?  If so... I'm just not going to bother.

Sorry, you lost me once again. Rothschild conspiracy? I have no clue what you're even talking about. I've heard about the illuminati of course, but from what I know they only existed about a decade, and that was centuries ago - so what exactly should they have to do with crimea? and why?

Confusing your lines are, young padawan.

1) They are "Trying to pick the Ukrainian president" by asking people to not run.  I'm not sure what's so scandalous about asking someone not to do something.

People are hyperinflating that into meaning.


2) And the US has invested over like  5 billion in the Ukraine... since 1991.  Again, why people find this controversial, I can't quite understand.

That's a number Nuland uses publically in speeches.  It's not some magical leak nobody was meant to hear, and that nobody knew existed... it wasn't reported as news in the US.... because it wasn't news. 

The Nuland Leak happened in what February?

Here is a public speach in December... where she specifically mentions the 5 billion.

Again... it's totally conspiracy theory level bunk to take that as meaning something more then it was.

Alex Jones by the way is a extreme right wing conspiracy theory nut job... who basically can only find work on extreme right wing radio shows and coincidentally Russia Today.




Note the @delfi email address.  lol.  Like someone is going to use a home address to send super secret government emails.


4) The Rothchild's are accused by people like Alex Jones (Who works at russia today and deals with conspiracy theories like the ones your talking about) of creating central banks to basically control the world and every government

and you didn't really answer the question.