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Akiran said:
Player2 said:

I can't speak about Muramasa, but in the case of Final Fantasy VIII:

Due to it the most effective way to play the game is to run away from every battle (or just use the no encounter skill) to stay at low levels, and use alternate ways to boost stats. This means junctioning magic to stats, which involves hours of drawing spells and Triple Triad. If it doesn't sound fun... it's because it isn't.

I have no idea what drawing spells and Triple Triad meant but it sounds boring.

- Some required info:

Whatever spell you link to a certain stat the higher amount of said spell the higher the bonus, so you'll always want the maximum (100).

Magic doesn't recover after resting and there aren't magic shops where you can buy spells, only drawing points that replenish after some time, and there aren't enough to provide a decent supply. That's why you have to rely on drawing and the card minigame for spells.

- Now about the drawing and cards:

Triple Triad is the card game. You can morph cards into items and then into spells. At the end of each card game if you win you choose one of the cards used by the loser and get it. Of course different cards morph into different things so you don't get always what you want, plus you have to be careful about spreading crappy rules that make winning harder (like the "use random cards from your collection to play" rule).

Drawing spells is using the draw command in battle. It's like stealing, but with spells. So basically you enter a battle, spam draw until each character have 100 of every spell you want from the ones the monsters you met carry, then run away.