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That depends. Nintendo has never been about approaching third parties for support, they expect them to come, they always do it the old fashion way and that has generally hurt them as business. They also don't like to support third party exclusives very often, instead opting to promote their own games (even then, they don't tend to give their games big pushes).

Now the idea that third party games don't sell well on Nintendo consoles and that people only buy Nintendo games may be true, but its rendered pointless by the fact that some third party games (shockers) actually sold decently on the N64 and Gamecube (The Wii sold a lot of third party games as well, but more casuals owned that system, and they tended to buy a lot of "shovelware"). Also Nintendo's portable systems count as well if we're talking about Nintendo systems, and third parties games sold quite well on the GBA and DS.