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working at a retailer myself, my company makes almost no money (in fact at a loss) selling console hardwares.

my retailer (biggest in US when it comes to electronics) makes no profit in games either.

The Biggest U.S. Electronic Retailer makes NO money on Games or Consoles



Remember, retailers have to pay for shipping fees,

and then they have to ship them to every store individually? not to mention packaging. labeling, and high shrink number (people stealing them).

Retailers have special delivery trucks that ship only video games. Labels and Shrink Wrap are Very Expensive!!



Big retailers like bestbuy or Targets frankly have the whole gaming department in the red.

BestBuy and Target have a gaming departments for shits and giggles

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)