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Ajax said:
cdude1034 said:

It IS my kind of game though. I love the linearity. I hate having to explore an endless sandbox full on nonsensical or relevant dialogue. I hate having to walk around for 12 hours just to find what I'm supposed to do next, instead of having it right there in front of me.

Who mentioned sandbox games? Final Fantasy has never been a sandbox game. No jrpg has. So I dont understand why you say you hate to explore an endless sandbox. Its irrelevant.

12 hours just to find what you are supposed to do? I understand you are overstating the 12 hours, but its still ridicilous. You say 'having it right there in front of me.' 

If thats what you like, then its clear that you dont like jrpgs or maybe even rpgs in general cause few are as linear as FF13 and you just like FF13 because it resembles an action game. Thats all I can make out of those words.

One can say, well FF has changed, and thats true. But hey, if Metal Gear changes so much that it becomes a rpg or a hack and slash, then saying 'it has just changed, so accept it' wont work for many people. 

Anyway, FF15 looks a full action game at the moment. One can only hope that at least it turns out to be an action rpg and not a straight action game.

If you read my posts earlier you would have seen me say FF games are great because they all have combinations of Linear gameplay-Non-Linear Gameplay-Sandbox gameplay. You can also debate whether or not there is enough Strategy gameplay, enough Action Gameplay, and a deeper story/character development than most other genres of games.

FFXV...I wouldn't hope for traditional turn based ;) again. Everyone who complains about FFXIII should avoid FFXV imho because, I'd prefer not to see all your boo-hoo like OP. Go in the corner next time or somewhere else please when you do that. I don't want to see that in public. I bet that's what hurts the franchise more than anything is the immature complainers all around the internet. I'd even venture to say. "From what I've seen of FFXV IT WILL BE LINEAR with sprinkles of non-linearity." Deal with it. Wait who am I to say he should deal with it? I'm just a fan of said franchise, and his opinion must be greater than mine? Who knows maybe if OP and the people that think like him can boo-hoo hard enough maybe just maybe SE will change FFXV.... because that's how he/others gets shit done round here.

Yeah, right, no.