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As for the MMORPG thing, I'm inclined to say that it's simply the knowledge that you'll be staring at the character's backside for upwards of thirty hours.

In general, though, guys want stories about guys. MMORPGs are different in that no one really plays them for plot or character development, but Fenix and Master Chief as characters are important to Gears of War and Halo, and Kratos is important to God of War. A female character just wouldn't resonate as much with the largely male gaming population. A female character on a quest for revenge and blood is also just less believable. Call it a result of the patriarchy's social engineering, but that's the way everyone thinks.

I don't see that as sexism, myself. It's not sexist for males to want to see scantily clad women or to want to play male characters, and it's not sexist for developers to give them what they want. To be sexist, something has to actually say something about the relative standing of men and women or about the 'correct' place of women in society. I just don't think that any player of video games looks at them as making the point that only men are suitable for destroying alien fleets and saving the world.