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QuintonMcLeod said:

Its a bit too early to celebrate. Sony is known for lying through their teeth or misrepresenting the facts.
Sony lists 100 games for this year, but majority of the games they have listed have extraordinarily dubious release dates. Some don't even have release dates at all, and Sony is labeling those games as 2014. I mean, you've got questionable titles such as Minecraft, The Order 1886 and even Planetside 2. I'm just saying, folks. Take this news with a grain of salt.

Now Sony is saying they have 1000 self-publishing developers on board. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not going to believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

Minecraft was originally set for the months after launch, so it's pretty likely for that title to be this year. It also isn't a title that doesn't take years to make due to how simple it is. Then The Order: 1886 and Planetside 2 are Sony titles, so they'll probably know how those are coming along. If they wanted to lie about numbers, they would have put Uncharted up there, but they didn't.