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You can bet once The Last Guardian has been released Team ico will be fired in the minute.

Well it makes sense, and the amount of money spent on this new IP could really be that high. Because it's said Stig started this new project immediately following after God of War 3 released, so in 2010, 4 years of developement, of a new IP and 3 times rebooted which can mean started from a blank page again each times. This must have cost a lot !

Now lets say the game was at best average, if you were Sony after all these expenditures you would probably still try to bring out the game, with not much marketing, in the hope to still sell a bit and recover a part of your money.
Could still have made decent sales because of the curiousity of people to try a new IP and there are still people not looking too much at the reviews before buying a game nowadays.
Instead of that, they purely canceled it and all this work probably goes in the trash. It really tells you how bad this game was and probably still not finished neither.
Rather than make the same mistake than with TLG and other projects that they probably should have stopped way earlier they prefered this option, no more risks.