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kazadoom said:
marciosmg said:
kazadoom said:
I have been freed from the bondage of religion. Religion is just man's way to try and please a God that you cannot know and is all about what you do and do not do. I have a relationship with the One true God through His Son Jesus. It is all about what was done for me on the cross, and not anything that I have done. I follow His commands because I have a desire to and not because I have to, like religion teaches.

See, i dont want to start a debate, because thats not the point of this thread, but i find what you say rather strange, because if there wasnt religion (as in organized religion) to keep the teachings of Jesus alive through the times you would never have heard of Him. How can you believe in Christ which is something you got from religion and dismiss religion as a bad thing? How can you separate one from the other if they are so intertwined (i hope thats the right word - english isnt my first language)? I would really like for you to explain it to me, if you feel like it, because thats something that i find confusing.


Religion was not needed to keep Jesus' teachings alive, the Bible did that. Religion is man made, and Christianity is God made. I do not adhere to what a group of people tell me I ought to adhere to. I adhere to what God tells me through his Word. I have a personal relationship with God not religion. The difference to me is that religion is created by man, therefore I am not bound by men, but by God Himself.


I'm sorry .. but that is just stupid. 

You really need to study the history of Christianity, the council of Nicea, and so on.

Christianity in its current forms are very much man designed. By votes (Councils) and conquering (Roman Catholic Church).  

Your personal views on Christianity may be unique or seperated from any mainstream view, but the origins of your belief system are very much formed by a group of men basing what they believe one man taught and didn't teach.

Just look at how the Bible itself was put together, again council votes on what books were divine and what books were not. Do you know how many different books were discussed and finally chosen, how many were tossed aside and were purportedly from various diciples?