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Dark_Feanor said:
Normchacho said:
Dark_Feanor said:
DerNebel said:
ICStats said:

Except of course that the Ps4 sales from just the U.S. U.k. Germany, and France are higher than the Xbox One WW sales. (as of 3/15)

That leaves only 2.2 million sales for the remaining 46 PS4 markets. How many sales do you expect the 37 remaining markets for the Xbox One to add? It's a much more english speaking market focused console.

If we look at PS4 sales... the Xone could have had a 20 to 25% boost. Or at your own account a 1 to 1.5mi extra.

What is wrong if that logic? Is that hard to belive people around the world would be interested in buy a localized oficially suported Xone?

But as I said before, the price is the major issue holding Xone sales.

The PS4 gets a 28% boost from it's remaining 46 markets. You're telling me you think the Xbox One, which is much less popular outside of the english speaking world. Would get between a one and one and a half million sales boost from 37 markets? That's a percentage boost of between 26% and 38%.

From nine less markets in an area the Xbox brand just isn't very popular in...

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.