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ethomaz said:

Dark_Feanor said:

DerNelbel said those 13 markets represents 80% of WW market, so I did just a fast math extrapolation.

But, it was the 50 markets + pricing at at most $450, then 5,5mi would be esealy achievable.

360 sold 80m by VGC.

NA: 46.5m (~58%)
+ US: 42.5m (~55%)

EU: 24.5m (~30%)
+ UK: 8m (~11%)
+ DE: 3m (~3%)
+ FR: 3.5m (~4%)

NA (2) + UK + DE + FR: 76%

You can added more IT (~2%), AU + NZ (~3%), BR (1%), ME (~2%), ES (2%), IR (0.5%), AT (0.5%)

1% = ~800k (I put 1% for Brazil but it is close to 2 million 360 units sold here... so more like 2%)

13 Countries  = ~87%

I'm being fair putting low % to some countries that have a 360 userbease bigger.

You can release Xbone even in Mars... that's wont add 1m or 1.5m sales in four months... look more like 500k maximum.

Welcome do reality.

The only advantage I see is the 10% Japan for PS3... but for PS4 it´s only 5%....

Do this math for PS4, please.