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BTW the PS4 boost was more about supply * yeap people try to say that not but it is obvious supply constrained even after four months... everything Sony ship is sold in days *.

Xbone sales didn't boosted like some predicted here... in fact it boosted like I said... ~150k... low numbers for a console that wants to be competitive helped by deals and unofficial pricecut... it will drop to less than 80k in two or max three weeks... you can say want you want but that's low, better than Wii U but it is low even so.

In fact the numbers for PS4 in the previous weeks seems weird... in my Maths Sony is shipping ~250k units per week and the sales in previous weeks didn't show that... with a constant shipment of 250k after Japan you need to have ~160-170k per week.... VGC showed 130k?

I think PS4 is doing better than VGC is estimating in the March weeks but we will just know when NPD releases or Sony announces the 7 million sold.

While that I predicted ~7.2 shipped for March 2014.

You can read here my full breakdown of the shipments: