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Dark_Feanor said:

DerNelbel said those 13 markets represents 80% of WW market, so I did just a fast math extrapolation.

But, it was the 50 markets + pricing at at most $450, then 5,5mi would be esealy achievable.

360 sold 80m by VGC.

NA: 46.5m (~58%)
+ US: 42.5m (~55%)

EU: 24.5m (~30%)
+ UK: 8m (~11%)
+ DE: 3m (~3%)
+ FR: 3.5m (~4%)

NA (2) + UK + DE + FR: 76%

You can added more IT (~2%), AU + NZ (~3%), BR (1%), ME (~2%), ES (2%), IR (0.5%), AT (0.5%)

1% = ~800k (I put 1% for Brazil but it is close to 2 million 360 units sold here... so more like 2%)

13 Countries  = ~87%

I'm being fair putting low % to some countries that have a 360 userbease bigger.

You can release Xbone even in Mars... that's wont add 1m or 1.5m sales in four months... look more like 500k maximum.

Welcome do reality.