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Normchacho said:
Dark_Feanor said:
DerNebel said:
ICStats said:

50 markets vs 13 markets

$400  vs  $500 (70% bundles?)

People may try  to downplay Xone performance as long as they want, it dosen´t change de fact it´s doing great, much better than many here belived it would back after E3.

I wonder the 180 wans´t even necessary, the only thing holding Xone is price.

Except of course that the Ps4 sales from just the U.S. U.k. Germany, and France are higher than the Xbox One WW sales. (as of 3/15)

That leaves only 2.2 million sales for the remaining 46 PS4 markets. How many sales do you expect the 37 remaining markets for the Xbox One to add? It's a much more english speaking market focused console.

If we look at PS4 sales... the Xone could have had a 20 to 25% boost. Or at your own account a 1 to 1.5mi extra.

What is wrong if that logic? Is that hard to belive people around the world would be interested in buy a localized oficially suported Xone?

But as I said before, the price is the major issue holding Xone sales.