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Pemalite said:


Kasz216 said:


Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddism all have their own anti-gay messages...  The common arguement is that despite a majority of Hindu and Buddist people against gay marriage they don't speak for all groups, though the same goes for Christians, as not all Christian Churches consider homosexuality a sin.

I've often heard people use the bible as an argument and more often than not use the line from Leviticus about a man laying with a man as it lays with a woman.
However, they take it out of context, back in those times men "owned" woman (Either husband, father etc'), like property, Leviticus was all about property ownership.
Basically you don't treat other men as your inferior or as property, nothing to actually do with homosexuality.
The  bible also hammers on about wearing clothes of different fabrics, divorce was condemned, you are not allowed to touch a woman for 7 days after her "monthlies". etc'.

In general it's used for arguments sake, so unless they want to kill all unmarried, non-virgin woman, those who are divorced and those who wear different fabrics, then they are talking out their posteriors and are being selective with the direction they point their hate and discrimination towards.

Besides, the bible was written in another time for a completely different society and then translated (Not accurately) for the western world, then people take quotes out of the book and use them literally, outside of it's intended context.

On the flip side, majority of "religions" don't actually have a meaning for "Gay/Homosexuality" or even an understanding of it (As Religion predates modern science), it was a term created relatively not long ago once the understanding of the "condition" increased and some of the stigma was proven false.

I personally beleive... That we all bleed the same colour of blood and we should *all* be treated the same, besides whose business is it anyway what goes on in the bedroom?

Hey, i'm not saying i agree with it.   I'm just saying that religions as a whole are pretty anti-homosexual... because society as a whole was pretty anti-homosexual back then in most areas.

It's intresting from an antrhopological reason.

It's weird when people... espiecally atehists blame religion as the origin of homophobia.

Becuase... if you don't believe in god, who wrote the homophobia?


When you look at ancient traditions of religions you can see how the nonsecular attitudes and needs at the time formed a lot of religious laws, customs and beliefs.


Or at least, that's a more favorable opinion then "People are born homophobic as an evolutionary defense and can't help it." opinion you get from most evolutionary biologists/psychologists.


Which is where homophobia will come from pretty heavily if religion fades away.