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Figgycal said:
vivster said:
Figgycal said:
vivster said:
It ends exactly the day the Sony fans accept that it does.

It is almost completely sold out inEurope and in the U.S. it's only available online from 2 retailers. There were lines at Best Buy months after the console was released. How is there not supply issues.

You read between the lines but there is nothing there.

You know as well as me that Sony fans will draw the "supply" card even well after supply constraint has no longer a significant effect on sales.

I noticed that when we got Japanese numbers, some people were saying there was a supply constraints and that was not the case. However, there is a legitmate stock issue across the Western market and I think its dishonest to say that the issue is nonexistent. There are people in Germany that haven't seen a PS4 since November.

The German market is obviously still receiving constant supplies of stock, regardless of how small shipments may be or at least below actual consumer demand.

I could say that I hadn't seen a PS4 at a retail EVER since about last week, but I couldn't very well claim it's because they weren't being delivered to retail outlets. 

It is very fair to say that due to global demand, it is a difficult proposition to keep every single local region in every single market flush with stock due to initial demand for a desireable product as well as perceived limited availability. It simply isn't feasible to serve every single local market in such a manner at this point in the product's lifecycle due to current demand. 

Could Sony sell more inventory? Absolutely. But I'm more or less under the impression that current production rates aren't that far under current demand rates, so I don't think I'll be reading any news about Sony buying/leasing additional factories in China to increase production.