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It shouldn't be too hard to look at the VGC sales trends on a week to week basis to see the consistency in sales.

Barring the Japan release, it's been fairly consistent with stock moving continuously based upon inventory tracking online tools.

Conspiracy theories that Sony is artificially withholding significant amounts of supply to increase demand should be taken about as seriously as the conspiracy theories that claimed the EXACT SAME THING with the Wii back in 2007-2009 when it was burning up the sales charts and production could not meet with demand.

I haven't heard anything about Sony increasing monthly production yields or leasing/buying new factories to keep up with current demand, so production rates will presumably remain about 1m per month.

It's only March, but stock will need to be reserved for additional market launches as well as the inevitable Q4 holiday season stockpiling, so this likely accounts for some of those missing numbers.

I can only surmise that Sony is not building cardboard box fortresses out of millions of unsold PS4 inventory in multiple warehouses in China so that they can trick consumers into buying millions of said unsold PS4s; I'll leave that to the conspiracy theorists and the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

What I am seeing for the first time since launch are PS4s at retail outlets, coinciding with the Titanfall launch. Not a coincidence.

As it were, the Titanfall launch also coincides with my personal guess/prediction that the PS4 would be readily available at retail by Q2 2014 following launch.

I also said the same about the XB1 and will point out that I was wrong on that call as I overestimated demand for a $500 XB1.