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"Considering the huge number of people who died because of their gross negligence and bad judgment, I'm wondering if people feel responsible people within the Bush administration should be personally held accountable for their actions."

Would be a good idea. If they had made a couple of things differently (More troops in the beginning, troops staying in place instead of removing rebells from one city after another and above all if they hadn't disbanded the iraqi army) things would have been A LOT better.

I was for the invasion, not because of terrorists or WMD but because the Hussein family was a bunch of genocides and murderous perverts who deserved to die. (Perhaps its personal but I would rather die in a bomb than in the torture room of the iraqi government because Saddam's son did like my wife or because I played bad in a football game) But after a really successful invasion the post-war handling was outrageous.

Things seem to be heading in the right direction finally and it would be irresponsible to leave now as some democrats are saying, because it would doom the Iraqi people but yes too few heads have been rolling over the post-war handling of affairs.