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naruball said:

Good points, but still , with such a great number of titles released, one would expect sales to go much higher if they were so high (for vita standards) the week before with very few and less important releases.

I have to disagree with the bolded. I could not care less about One piece (never seen the anime, so no connection with the characters) and the dbz are no longer system sellers. There have been so many released recently that people have lost interest in dbz and the franchise in general. I'm sure there are plenty of Bleach, Naruto etc fans who don't like either show. I would buy a vita (if I didn't already have one) for J-stars being the first naruto game released on psvita. I expect quite a few to feel the same. Then again, maybe I am wrong, since these numbers don't support my theory.

One Piece and Dragon Ball sells more each one in Japan that Naruto, Bleach, and other popular franchises together... there is a abyss in terms of popularity between the first two and the others in Japan.

Naruto, Bleach and other are more popular in the western... not Japan.