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Exclusives are not bad for the customer, the mere imagination of the possibility of possessing all games you want is bad for the customer.

Many People want too much things too fast.
For example, right after a good game is released (exclusive or not), the discussions about a sequel are starting (e.g. "Mass Effect was great all in all, bought it last week, finished it today - and here's my wishlist for ME2").

In another thread someone asked - only a few days after SSBB release - if a Super Smash Brothers version for DS wouldn't be great and most of the answering members agreed, I was one of the few (if not the only one) who disagreed. So the people are even asking for non-system-exclusiveness within a company. No wonder the companies bring nearly every series from handheld to console and vice versa.

I would be interested in games like Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and upcoming White Knight Story, but I only own a Wii, not a PS3, not a 360, not a PC (Mac instead). Either I have to buy the two other consoles or a PC or I have to wait for good RPGs on Wii.

I would also be interested in some great PSP games, but I decided to purchase a DS instead and I'll stay with only one handheld (the DS already takes enough of my money).

Patience & modesty are the key - and for the unpatient, inmodest ones too much money & enough time are the key.

Do we really want
- ALL games on ALL consoles
- ONE world console run by MS/Sony/Nintendo/EA with ALL games on it?
I wouldn't want either of these possibilities.

If you want a system where you can play nearly all games and genres from all companies (except Nintendo) on, choose the PC.