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famousringo said:
If there were no exclusives, there would be immense pressure to develop every game for the lowest common denominator. This leads to games that don't take full advantage of PS3's bluray, 360's online functionality, or Wii's controls. The pressure would be to make a game that fit on a single DVD, with stripped-down online that was compatible with any console, and was playable with conventional controls. To do otherwise is to incur costs that might not justify the expense.

I agree with your point in principle... the probem is how many exclusives actually do so?  Maybe a handful?  Uncharted or something like that?  But Bioshock could easily be on the PS3 and nothing about it being exclusive seems to have led to excessive leveraging of j360 HW.  Dead Rising could very easily be on PS3 and definately didn't push anything HW wise.

The fact is that too many exclusives are for the companies involved and are deals that do not actually translate to better games for that platform - i.e. a benefit to the consumer.  Lost Odyessey is just the latest example - paid for exclusive which will actually sell less and reach smaller audience as a result.

If a game is genuinely developed for a platform (so RFOM2 looks like it would take serious effort to put on 360, and obviously most good Wii games couldn't go to PS3 / 360) it would be different but all too often exclusives don't deliver on that promise IMHO.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...