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tarheel91 said:

Please don't assume you know what I'm basing this off of.  I find it a tad offensive.  The great crowd is NEVER referred to as kings and priests.  However, the scripture at 5:9-10 refers to a group that would be "priests to our God and ... kings over the earth."  You also fail to consider what's actually going on in this chapter of the bible.  It's a vision given to John in a dream.  It switches from one sight to another frequently and you can't assume that the 144,000 and the great crowd are in the same place because they're listed one after the other.  The use of the word "before" should have made it clear that they were not actually in heaven.  As I said before, compare it to Numbers 1:17, 47 and see if you can spot the irregularity in this listing.

The author is very questionable. The guys name may very well be John but the writing style of this chapter is so different from Yukhana(John) that it is unlikely it was written by the same John that was the apostle. Note to all you will always see me debate solid evidence that Yeshua(Jesus) exist because in my opinion none exists however I do believe Jesus was real and it is more reasonable than straight faith however I do not believe that revelations was written by any apostle and I also believe it to be a questionable addition. I do hold both secular and religous views of the bible and it would almost take a book to accurately describe them in a understandable way. In fact I would never refer to Jesus as the Christ since that is in fact Pagan.