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I never agree with these breakdown in costs for consoles. My PC cost me £230 to make and is likely much more expensive to make than either PS4 or Xbox one. It performs well above their level in CPU performance and in between them in GPU performance.

The issue with console manufacturers is paying back the huge investment in designing the model, actual manufacturing will be relatively cheap.

Here in the UK the PS4 is £349 and I think the Xbox one needs a £299 price to be competitive, if the PS4 was £329 the xbone would need to be £279 or if the PS4 was £299 perhaps £249 for xbone.

In addition to that perhaps throwing in games and perhaps six months free xbox live gold.

I personally believe both will be price cut for Christmas 2014. Perhaps PS4 to £299 and xbone to the same price perhaps with a better bundle.

Ultimately I believe this generation is Sony's.