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^this pretty much... You basically want to change the entire core of the game to make it a true COD clone which it is only in color cues right now...
you could also say they should put GOW in first person remove action cover add regular jump and weapon and crouch.... Or say halo should slow down remove aliens, put regular weapons, no shield and regular guns and it would be the same as what you just said...

personally I had 2 real worth noticing frame drop and screen tearing is noticeable if you seat to close from your TV nothing really killing the fun of the game anyway... And without bots or titans it would be super boring like COD, and more player than 8vs8 is either lame or a pure mess in BF for instance unless you play with your team....

to me they completely destroy COD and BF unless you go far back to mwf 2 max (not blood) and BF2 maybe 3 and on PC... To me in MP they can pretend to seat right next the likes of halo, Original CODs, GOW, team fortress, heck even quake arena, UT, CS of back in the days... I haven't had that much fun with an fps outside of those names and certainly not with the bland and stale COD or BF of now a days... Not I consider any modern army FPS really exciting in the first place anyway... I prefer real life paint ball if you ask me...