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I'm an atheist, that holds the democratic ideal of "to each there own". I feel I can respectfully disagree and let it be. The problem I have is with the intolerance religion breeds. Like somebody above said, religion on a personal level can be something beautiful, but when it gets to a group level 90% of the time it breeds some form of bigotry. Church of Christ thinks everyone except their particular denomination will burn in hell, many baptist sects think the same thing, Jehovah's Witness' think that all non Witness' are wicked and will be executed by god in Armageddon, Islam on a group level I don't even need to mention, Catholicism teaches that all non christian religions are wrong, the list goes on and on. And then when it gets to a political level, it just becomes evil.

To talk to a Church of Christ, or a Jehovah's witness is fine downright pleasant even, they won't come off as bigoted, they are ordinary people who have faith in something divine, they are ordinary people like anyone else. But put them in a group, or go to their meeting place and listen to what they say about outsiders and it can be downright disturbing. Which leaves me rather ambivalent about it all. So I say to each their own, love the individuals rather than detest the groups, lest I become as bigoted as the bigotry I decry.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.