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Wright said:
JGarret said:

It looks like it´s more than just the lighting, isn´t it?...I haven´t played the game, but that thread on GAF has some pics with terrible textures even going by PS3 standards.

Trust me on this one. Even downgraded, the game is gorgeous to look at...and there's not a single framerrate issue. I take solid, steady fps over impressive lightning anyday.

The framerate is far from solid. At least not on ps3. No screen tearing luckily but the locked vsync does make it run at 20fps a lot of the time. The game is still nice to look at, architecturally anyway, but in places it looks really bland too. A souls game on ps4, with the lighting of Metro last light, MADDER sound design from KZ:SF, and the spell effects of Infamous SS, that would be too much to handle :)

I think I screwed up in shaded ruins. I jumped off the bridge at the bonfire to another bridge. Unfroze an enemy and came out of a tunnel a little later approaching some scorpion looking thing in the distance. I blast it by blind aiming heavy great soul arrows at it. When I get there, there are messages on the ground warning it's an ally, ugh. Damn resolution, no way to tell from a safe distance. It dropped a ring, second dragon crest ring or something.

So I got back to the bonfire to confirm, if it's not coming back then I probably screwed up. On the way back I get invaded while hollow, why... I go to the bonfire, but it's locked. Oh well just let whoever it is kill me, fastest way to continue. I was at lowest max health anyway from the curse urns. I make the no gesture, not interested, he starts punching me. Suit yourself, I jump out the window, reset. I get back, whatever it was is gone. Dunno who I killed or what I messed up sigh.

I get on to the boss. I die on the first attempt, I'm no good switching equipment on the fly, pause would help. That's just the nature of the game, die, equip the right stuff, succeed. I summon a phantom the 2nd time anyway, don't want to risk losing my souls that are lying in a bad spot. That's where the risk of losing progress is actually working directly against what the game is trying to achieve. It would be more fun to try by myself a couple of times, but when it comes to losing progress I rather play it safe.

I saved at the first bonfire in doors of pharros after trading with Gavlan, yay. I had lots of doubles to sell, and also got rid of pvp orbs. I guess I should spend the souls first before continueing, this game needs a bank! I'll make a lightning long sword +6, switch it up with my fire long sword.